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SAT Practice Exam 4

Before you begin this exam, you must print the PDF Exam Document.

  • You will be entering your answers through our Online Score Tracker.

  • However, to simulate the authentic testing experience, you will be using a paper test, just as on the real SAT.

  • Use the button below to download the PDF Exam Document.

  • Print the PDF Exam Document once it has downloaded.

  • Once you have printed the PDF Exam Document you are ready to begin.

  • To complete the exam, with no breaks, takes 3:50, so before you start, make sure you have enough time.

  • To Begin:

  1. Use the button below to enter our Online Score Tracker.

  2. Enter the Username and Password we have provided you.
    (If you do not have a Username and Password please email for Login Credentials.)

  3. Select TAKE A TEST from the menu at the top of the page.

  4. Select SAT/PSAT from the test options in the middle of the page.

  5. Select SAT Practice Test #4.

  6. Press START on Section 1: Reading, when you are ready to begin.

  • Once you start a section, you cannot stop the timer, just as on the real SAT.

  • If you need to take a break, please do so between sections.

  • Scores for the first 4 sections will be available immediately upon completion of the test.

  • Score for Section 5: Essay will be available the following business day.

  • Good luck!

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